CPD On Demand

CSEM Member–Only Access on Demand

CSEM Knowledge Transfer Activities Case-Based Section 3 Programs 2024

These case-based Section 3 online sessions include pre- and post-tests to help you assess your clinical management of important endocrine conditions.

Genetics and Endocrinology: A Clinical Approach to the Application of Genetic Testing in Endocrine Conditions

April 25, 2024

This session will increase the endocrinologist’s comfort in recognizing familial genetic conditions and developing an approach to interpreting the results of genetic testing and variants of unknown significance.

Join us as Dr. Jane Green, Clinical Geneticist at Memorial University of Newfoundland, and a recipient of the Order of Canada for her ground-breaking work with the founder families in Newfoundland, and Dr. Ari Morgenthau, University of Toronto, who is jointly trained in both Endocrinology and Genetics, lead this Section 3 self-assessment program.


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Develop a clinical approach to detecting familial conditions in endocrine patients, such as MEN1
  • Develop an approach to reviewing and applying genetic test results, using MEN syndromes as an example
  • Determine how to investigate variances of unknown significance and best practices in following patients


  • Dr. Sandra Cooke-Hubley, MD, MPH, MSc, FRCPC, Memorial University, NL (Moderator)
  • Dr. Jane Green, PhD, MSc, BSc, St. John's, NL (Speaker)
  • Dr.Ari Morgenthau, BSc, MSc, MD, FRCPC, University of Toronto, ON (Speaker)
  • Dr. Elizabeth Rosolowsky, University of Alberta, Edmonton (CSEM CPD Chair)

CAH Across the Lifespan

May 23, 2024


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • TBD


  • Dr. Sola Mansour, MD, MSc, FRCPC, University of Alberta, AB
  • Dr. René Wong, MD, MMed, PhD, FRCPC, University of Toronto, ON
  • Dr. Elizabeth Rosolowsky, University of Alberta, Edmonton (CSEM CPD Chair)

Bothersome Bones: Challenging Osteoporosis Cases

June 18, 2024

Bothersome Bones will help you apply international guidelines to the management of challenging osteoporosis cases. CSEM’s Knowledge Transfer Activities (KTA) use a case-based approach, and pre-and post-tests during live, online sessions to help you assess your clinical management of important endocrine conditions.


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Apply clinical risk factors, as guided by international guidelines, to inform individualized decision-making when choosing anabolic therapy over anti-resorptive therapy
  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of anabolic agents for osteoporosis versus other available treatment options
  • Formulate an approach to "treatment order matters", including key considerations when switching between anabolic to anti-resorptive therapies


  • Dr. Sandra Kim, Women's College Hospital, Toronto, ON (Speaker)
  • Dr. Sabrina Gill, St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, BC (Speaker)
  • Dr. Xin Feng, Community Endocrinologist, Victoria, BC (Speaker)
  • Dr. Chris Tran, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON (Moderator)
  • Dr. Elizabeth Rosolowsky, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB (CSEM CPD Chair)

CSEM Endocrinology & Diabetes: Perspectives on Practice Changing Research

Tuesday, January 23, 2024 | 19:00–20:30 ET | Online

Moderated by Dr. Hertzel Gerstein, accredited online symposium features a review of the key scientific developments in endocrinology and diabetes over the past year. Our faculty will synthesize and discuss within the Canadian context research from major conferences.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Medical therapy for non-diabetes obesity to improve patient outcomes: Ongoing trials in prevention of diabetes, MAFLD, and cardiovascular events, and quality of life enhancement
  • Novelties in hypoparathyroidism: Current and future therapies
  • Novel approaches to insulin therapy: Challenges and opportunities with new basal insulins
  • Benefits and risks of androgen replacement in middle-aged and older men with low testosterone levels


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Review and synthesize key scientific developments in diabetes and endocrinology over the past year
  • Evaluate the relevance and implications for diabetes management within a Canadian context
  • Identify important elements of emerging research that can be applied to clinical practice


  • Hertzel Gerstein, MD, MSc, FRCPC, McMaster University, Hamilton (Moderator)
  • Chris Tran, MD, FRCPC, MMEd, University of Ottawa, Ottawa (CPD Representative)
  • Heidi Dutton, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Dipl of ABOM, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa (Speaker)
  • Claudia Gagnon, MD, FRCPC, CHU de Québec-Université Laval, Laval (Speaker)

This session is free for CSEM members; $60 for non-members. If you have not yet renewed your CSEM membership for 2024, you can renew now.

This program is approved by Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (CSEM) as an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. This learning activity was planned independently by CSEM to achieve scientific integrity, objectivity, and balance. CSEM received educational grants from Lilly and Novo Nordisk.

The Updated 2022 WHO PitNET Classification: Understanding Controversies, Limitations and Clinical Impact

Thursday, November 23, 2023 | 7:00 – 9:00 ET

Does standardizing classification of pituitary tumours expand the role of the endocrinologist and extend patient access to resources? Join us as we explore the scientific rationale behind the WHO classification system and its impact on clinical practice.


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Outline the principles of the WHO PitNET classification
  • Describe the impact on management of patients with pituitary tumors by endocrinologists
  • Discuss the controversies and limitations of the classification system within the Canadian healthcare system


  • Dr. Stan Van Uum, Western University, London (Chair)
  • Dr. Shereen Ezzat, University of Toronto, Toronto (Speaker)
  • Dr. Michelle Johnson, Providence Health, Vancouver (Speaker)
  • Dr. Sandra Cooke-Hubley, Memorial University, St. John's (Speaker)
  • Dr. Elizabeth Rosolowsky, University of Alberta, Edmonton (CSEM CPD Chair)

This session is free for CSEM members; $100 for non-members. If you have not yet renewed your CSEM membership for 2023, you can renew now.

This program is approved by Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (CSEM) as an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. It was co-developed and planned by CSEM and Pfizer Canada to achieve scientific integrity, validity, and balance.

2023 Accredited Self-Assessment Programs (Section 3)

To receive a certificate of completion, select each Accredited Session to view expert presentations, complete Test Your Knowledge questions and pre/post tests.

Empowering Diabetes Care During Pregnancy: Unleashing the Potential of CGM

This program was developed to appraise the clinical applications of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices, and discuss the outcomes associated with their use during pregnancy. Through exploring a series of patient cases, participants will be equipped with the knowledge necessary to provide practical guidance to pregnant women using CGM devices, and to optimize glucose monitoring during pregnancy.

A set of ‘Test Your Knowledge’ questions will follow each presentation. Please note that these questions, along with a pre- and post-test, must be answered in order to obtain your certificate of participation.


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the outcomes associated with utilizing continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices during pregnancy.
  • Identify ways in which CGM supports the management of diabetes during pregnancy by exploring its practical applications in clinical practice.


  • Dr. Denice Feig (Program Chair), University of Toronto: Advancing Maternal and Fetal Health: Optimizing Pregnancy Outcomes with Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Type 1 Diabetes
  • Dr. Jennifer Yamamoto, University of Manitoba: The Future of Diabetes Management in Pregnancy: Unravelling the Potential of Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Women with Type 2 Diabetes
  • Ms. Amy Dunlop, RN, University of Calgary: Practical Tips and Advice for Pregnant Women Using CGM Devices
  • Dr. Elizabeth Rosolowsky, University of Alberta (CSEM CPD Chair)

Basal Insulin in Type 2 Diabetes Treatment: What's Next?

This program was developed to appraise the clinical applications of basal insulin therapy in the management of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Through reviewing the historic use of basal insulin therapy and the current standard of care, participants will be equipped with the knowledge necessary to initiate basal insulin therapy and optimize the clinical management of T2D.


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the historical innovations in basal insulin therapy since the discovery of insulin over 100 years ago
  • Understand when to initiate basal insulin in 2023 and outline the challenges with insulin initiation.
  • Explain the efficacy and safety of once weekly basal to daily basal insulin in type 2 diabetes.


  • Dr. Tina Kader, McGill University: Historical Perspective of Insulin
  • Dr. Gihane Zarifa, University of Toronto: When to Consider Insulin at Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes
  • Dr. Harpreet S. Bajaj, LMC Healthcare (Program Chair): Once Weekly Basal Insulins
  • Ms. Loredana Talos, NP, McGill University Health Centre
  • Dr. Sandra Cooke-Hubley, Memorial University of Newfoundland (CSEM CPD Representative)

Who Is the Appropriate Patient for GLP-1 RAs? Exploring the Role of the GLP-1 RA Class in Cardiometabolic Health

This case-based program explores patient cases related to type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) comorbidities that clinicians regularly encounter in their clinics. A multidisciplinary team including cardiology, endocrinology, and family practice engages in practical discussions about the use of GLP-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1 RA) therapy that participants can apply to clinical practice.


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Recognize patient profiles where introduction of GLP-1 RA therapy would be appropriate to reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications.
  • Discuss the latest evidence in conjunction with clinical practical guidelines (Canadian Cardiovascular Society Guidelines and Diabetes Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines) to provide rationale for early initiation of GLP-1 RAs in patients with type 2 diabetes.
  • Identify clinical complexities and barriers in the initiation and use of GLP-1 RAs and examine solutions through interdisciplinary perspectives.


  • Dr. Michael Tsoukas, University of McGill and Dr. Sarah Moore-Vasram, Queen's University: Case Presentation 1: Patient with T2DM, no History of a CVD Event but Multiple Risk Factors
  • Dr. Kim Connelly, University of Toronto (Program Chair) and Dr. Sonja Reichert, Western University: Case Presentation 2: Patient with T2DM and Complex CVD Already Taking GLP-1 RA, or a Candidate for a GLP-1 RA
  • Dr. Heidi Dutton, University of Ottawa (CSEM CPD Representative)

CSEM Endocrinology & Diabetes: Perspectives on Practice Changing Research

January 23, 2024

Moderated by Dr. Hertzel Gerstein, accredited online symposium features a review of the key scientific developments in endocrinology and diabetes over the past year. Our faculty will synthesize and discuss within the Canadian context research from major conferences.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Medical therapy for non-diabetes obesity to improve patient outcomes: Ongoing trials in prevention of diabetes, MAFLD, and cardiovascular events, and quality of life enhancement
  • Novelties in hypoparathyroidism: Current and future therapies
  • Novel approaches to insulin therapy: Challenges and opportunities with new basal insulins
  • Benefits and risks of androgen replacement in middle-aged and older men with low testosterone levels


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Review and synthesize key scientific developments in diabetes and endocrinology over the past year
  • Evaluate the relevance and implications for diabetes management within a Canadian context
  • Identify important elements of emerging research that can be applied to clinical practice


  • Hertzel Gerstein, MD, MSc, FRCPC, McMaster University, Hamilton (Moderator)
  • Chris Tran, MD, FRCPC, MMEd, University of Ottawa, Ottawa (CPD Representative)
  • Heidi Dutton, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Dipl of ABOM, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa (Speaker)
  • Claudia Gagnon, MD, FRCPC, CHU de Québec-Université Laval, Laval (Speaker)

This program is approved by Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (CSEM) as an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. This learning activity was planned independently by CSEM to achieve scientific integrity, objectivity, and balance. CSEM received educational grants from Lilly and Novo Nordisk.

The Updated 2022 WHO PitNET Classification: Understanding Controversies, Limitations and Clinical Impact

November 23, 2023

Does standardizing classification of pituitary tumours expand the role of the endocrinologist and extend patient access to resources? Join us as we explore the scientific rationale behind the WHO classification system and its impact on clinical practice.


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Outline the principles of the WHO PitNET classification
  • Describe the impact on management of patients with pituitary tumors by endocrinologists
  • Discuss the controversies and limitations of the classification system within the Canadian healthcare system


  • Dr. Stan Van Uum, Western University, London (Chair)
  • Dr. Shereen Ezzat, University of Toronto, Toronto (Speaker)
  • Dr. Michelle Johnson, Providence Health, Vancouver (Speaker)
  • Dr. Sandra Cooke-Hubley, Memorial University, St. John's (Speaker)
  • Dr. Elizabeth Rosolowsky, University of Alberta, Edmonton (CSEM CPD Chair)

This program is approved by Canadian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (CSEM) as an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. It was co-developed and planned by CSEM and Pfizer Canada to achieve scientific integrity, validity, and balance.

Biosimilars in Endocrine Practice: From Insulin to Non-Insulin Agents

Wednesday, June 21, 2023


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the regulation of biosimilar drugs in Canada
  • Review the comparative effectiveness and safety of currently available biosimilar drugs in endocrinology
  • Summarize emerging biosimilar drugs in endocrinology in development
  • Explain how to effectively discuss switching to biosimilars with patients


  • Dr. Robert Goldberg, University of Toronto, Toronto (Chair)
  • Dr. Roseanne Yeung, University of Alberta, Edmonton (Speaker)
  • Dr. Ally Prebtani, McMaster University, Hamilton (Speaker)
  • Dr. Elizabeth Rosolowsky, University of Alberta, Edmonton (CSEM CPD Chair)

This program is co-developed with Viatris and planned independently by CSEM to achieve scientific integrity, validity and balance.

CSEM Knowledge Transfer Activities Case-Based Section 3 Programs 2023

CSEM's Knowledge Transfer Activities (KTA) use a case-based approach, and pre- and post-tests during live, online sessions to help you assess your clinical management of important endocrine conditions.

Managing PCOS Over the Lifespan: A Focus on the Adolescent and the Menopausal Patient

April 20, 2023

Dr. Terhi Piltonen, specialist in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Endocrinology, Finland, and Dr. Selma Witchel, Professor of Paediatrics, Pennsylvania, will lead a case-based approach to treatment of symptoms and management of health risks and comorbidities of PCOS in the adolescent and peri-menopause patient.

This self-assessment program will include pre- and post-tests using live polling during the session to allow you to claim Section 3 credits.


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the diagnostic criteria in the adolescent PCOS patient
  • Discuss the treatment options for PCOS symptoms and management of health risks and co-morbidities in the adolescent PCOS patient
  • Evaluate the symptoms and health risks in a peri-menopause PCOS patient
  • Discuss treatment and management of PCOS symptoms, health risks and co-morbidities in the peri-menopause PCOS patient


  • Dr. Donna Vine, University of Alberta, Edmonton (KTA Chair, Moderator)
  • Dr. Terhi Piltonen, Univeristy of Oulu, Finland (Speaker)
  • Dr. Selma Witchel, UPMC Children’s Hospital, Pennsylvania (Speaker)
  • Dr. Jean-Patrice Baillargeon, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (Panelist)
  • Dr. Heidi Dutton, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa (CSEM CPD Representative)
  • Dr. Elizabeth Rosolowsky, University of Alberta, Edmonton (CSEM CPD Chair)

Check Please! Endocrine Sequela of Immune Check Point Inhibitors

May 4, 2023

Dr. Rosalyn Juergens, Medical Oncologist, Hamilton, will describe endocrine side effects of immune check point inhibitors, focussing on the diagnosis and treatment of common types of endocrinopathies induced by immune check point inhibitors and the pearls and pitfalls of management.


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the mechanisms of action of, and identify common indications for immune check point inhibitors
  • Recognize and diagnose endocrine complications of immune check point inhibitors
  • Manage endocrine complications during and after treatment with immune check point inhibitors


  • Dr. Sabrina Gill, St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver (KTA Chair, Moderator)
  • Dr. Rosalyn Juergens, McMaster, Hamilton (Presenter)
  • Dr. Yuan Kong, Community Endocrinologist, Toronto (Panelist)
  • Dr. Elizabeth Rosolowsky, University of Alberta, Edmonton (CSEM CPD Chair)

Bone Appétit: An Osteoporosis Update

May 25, 2023

Facilitated by Dr. Chris Tran, Dr. Aliya Khan and Dr. Sandra Kim will lead a case-based discussion of state of the art osteoporosis pharmacotherapy and recent updates in osteoporosis guidelines. Discussion will include fracture risk stratification and fracture risk calculators, as well as effective utilization of antiresorptive therapy and anabolic therapy.


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Summarize recent updates in evidence-based guidelines including updates to fracture risk stratification (high, very high, imminent risk) and assessment
  • Discuss and implement modern approaches to osteoporosis pharmacotherapy including anabolic therapy and transitioning off medications


  • Dr. Christopher Tran, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa (KTA Chair, Moderator)
  • Dr. Aliya Khan, McMaster, Hamilton (Speaker)
  • Dr. Sandra Kim, Women’s College Hospital, Toronto (Speaker)
  • Dr. Elizabeth Rosolowsky, University of Alberta, Edmonton (CSEM CPD Chair)

Diabetes & Endocrinology Research Year-in-Review 2022

December 1, 2022

Moderated by Dr. Hertzel Gerstein, this two-hour, accredited online symposium features a review of the key scientific developments in endocrinology and diabetes over the past year. Dr. Amel Arnaout, Dr. Jeremy Gilbert, and Dr. Elizabeth Rosolowsky will synthesize and discuss within the Canadian context research from major conferences such as ENDO Society, EASD and ADA.


At the end of this symposium, participants will be able to:

  • synthesize key scientific developments in diabetes and endocrinology over the past year
  • evaluate the relevance and implications for diabetes management within a Canadian context
  • identify important elements of emerging research that can be applied to clinical practice

4th Canadian Acromegaly Summit

October 14, 2022

Please join our panel, and international expert Dr. Sebastian Neggers, as we discuss the indicators of Quality of Life and share best practices regarding the assessment and management of acromegaly patients across the lifespan!

GUEST EXPERT: Sebastian Neggers, MD, PhD, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands


  • Michelle Johnson, MD, FRCPC, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Chair)
  • Toru Tateno, MD, PhD, University of Alberta, Edmonton (Co-Chair)
  • Sandra Cooke-Hubley, MD, FRCPC, MSc (Med), MPH, Memorial University, St. John's (CSEM Representative)
  • Elizabeth Rosolowsky, MD, MPH, FRCPC, University of Alberta, Edmonton (CSEM CPD Chair)


Upon completion of this continuing education program participants will be better able to:

  • List key Quality of Life (QOL) indicators for people with acromegaly and how they can be managed
  • Identify strategies to mitigate the impact of osteoarthritis on patient QoL
  • Using a case-based approach, discuss the assessment and management of acromegaly patients across adulthood, within the context of increasing virtual care

mdBriefCase Webinar: Looking for the Zebra: ACROMEGALY, An Uncommon Cause Behind Common Conditions!

This CME course is a 30-minute program that intends to increase endocrinologists’ awareness of detecting patients with acromegaly early and minimizing the diagnostic gap. The medical information of the program will be presented by following Ruth, a patient who goes on an acromegaly journey from the development of symptoms through diagnosis and finally to treatment and follow-up. This program aims to educate endocrinologists about the consequences of delayed diagnosis of acromegaly and train them about clinical settings where seemingly common symptoms should raise concerns about acromegaly. In addition, endocrinologists will learn about the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of patients with acromegaly.


  • Shereen Ezzat, MD, FRCP(C), FACP
  • Anne-Marie Carreau, MD


Upon completion of this continuing education program participants will be better able to:

  • Describe the negative consequences of delayed diagnosis of acromegaly on patients’ clinical condition, quality of life, and overall survival
  • Identify clinical symptoms within common conditions such as diabetes/obesity/sleep apnea that should raise concerns about acromegaly
  • Summarize the diagnostic evaluation of acromegaly according to the most recent data
  • Review treatment and monitoring practices for patients with acromegaly according to more recent data
  • Reflect on their current practice of identifying and managing patients with acromegaly

mdBriefCase Webinar: Four Questions for Clinical Endocrinologists

Individualization of diabetes care is a hallmark of its management. As the complexity of patients with diabetes increases and with the constant new stream of published evidence, endocrinologists and diabetologists can further adapt therapy based on the need of the patients seen in clinical practice. In this webinar, international diabetes experts will review the key evidence on four topics in clinical practice. This will include the impact of obesity, stroke, and frailty on diabetes management. Experts will discuss whether metformin should still be considered the first-line treatment option while other therapies may have more significant cardiorenal benefits.


  • David Strain, BSc(Hons), MB. ChB., MRCP(UK), MD, FRCP(London)
  • Matthias Blüher, MD
  • Alice Cheng, BSc(Hons), MD
  • Celine Huot, BSc(Hons), MD, FRCPC
  • Roopa Mehta, MBBS, MRCP
  • Saud Al Sifri, MD, FACE


Upon successful completion of this continuing education module, the participant will be better able to:

  • Describe the role of obesity management on improving outcomes in type 2 diabetes
  • Determine the role of antihyperglycemic agents in patients with type 2 diabetes and previous stroke
  • Discuss the management of diabetes in the frail older adult List the pros and cons of using metformin as first-line therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes

Hypocalcemia Revisited - A CSEM Knowledge Transfer Activity (KTA)

June 28, 2022

Dr. Aliya Khan, a trailblazer in bone and mineral research, will lead a case-based approach to the urgent, emergent, and chronic management of hypocalcemia. Are you wondering what to do beyond standard treatments, including what to do in pregnancy? We’ll explore the role of active vitamin D, parathyroid hormone and PTH analogues, and calcium-sparing diuretics. Discussion will also include the role of genetics in the development of nonsurgical hypoparathyroidism and how obtaining a molecular diagnosis can guide your management approach.

This self-assessment program will include pre- and post- tests using live polling during the session to allow you to claim Section 3 credits.


  • Dr. Christopher Tran, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa (KTA Chair, Moderator)
  • Dr. Aliya Khan, McMaster, Hamilton (Presenter)
  • Dr. Elizabeth Rosolowsky, University of Alberta, Edmonton (CSEM CPD Chair)


At the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • Identify key considerations in the management of hypocalcemia beyond standard treatments
  • Develop a rational approach to diagnosing the underlying cause of hypocalcemia, including when a genetic cause should be considered
  • Understand the changes in calcium homeostasis in pregnancy and how this will impact your management of hypoparathyroidism during pregnancy

Sponsored by BridgeBio Pharma, Inc.

CSEM's 2021–2022 Knowledge Transfer Activities were planned independently by CSEM to ensure scientific integrity, objectivity and balance.

1st Annual Canadian Cushing’s Summit

May 31, 2022

Join us for the first annual Canadian online summit focusing on updates to the diagnosis and management of Cushing’s syndrome. Updates on the diagnosis and management of Cushing's syndrome, featuring a panel of national and international experts.


  • Dr. Lynnette Nieman, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
  • Dr. Frédéric Castinetti, Aix Marseille Université, Marseille Medical Genetics, Marseille, FR


  • Dr. André Lacroix, CHUM, Montréal (Chair, Presenter)
  • Dr. Fabienne Langlois, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (Presenter)
  • Dr. Karen Gomez Hernandez, University Health Network (Presenter)
  • Dr. Robert Goldberg, CSEM CPD Rep, University of Toronto (CPD Representative)


At the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • Describe updates on the diagnosis and management of Cushing’s disease from the Pituitary Society’s October 2021 guideline update
  • Summarize the use of the desmopressin test in the investigation and follow up of Cushing’s disease
  • Outline an approach to the management of mild dysregulated cortisol secretion

This program is co-developed with Recordati Rare Diseases and planned independently by CSEM to achieve scientific integrity, validity, and balance.

Diabetes & Endocrinology Research Year-in-Review 2021

December 8, 2021

Moderated by Dr. Hertzel Gerstein, this two-hour, accredited online symposium features a review of the key scientific developments in endocrinology and diabetes over the past year. Dr. Amel Arnaout and Dr. Jeremy Gilbert will synthesize and discuss within the Canadian context research from major conferences such as ENDO Society, EASD and ADA.


At the end of this symposium, participants will be able to:

  • synthesize key scientific developments in diabetes and endocrinology over the past year
  • evaluate the relevance and implications for diabetes management within a Canadian context
  • identify important elements of emerging research that can be applied to clinical practice

This learning activity was planned independently by CSEM to achieve scientific integrity, objectivity, and balance. CSEM received unrestricted educational grants from: Lilly, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi. This activity is an accredited group learning activity under Section 1 as defined by the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada for the Maintenance of Certification Program. Approved by CSEM for a maximum of 2.0 hours.

3rd Canadian Acromegaly Summit

October 29, 2021

Maladie de Cushing : choix, défis et complications
Diagnostic, thérapies et complications difficiles dans la gestion de la maladie de Cushing

Le 7 octobre 2021

Ce séminaire en ligne sur la maladie de Cushing a porté sur les nouveaux développements en matière de diagnostic, de traitement et de stratégies de gestion.


  • Dr André Lacroix, CHUM, Montréal (Président, Comité de planification scientifique et conférencier)
  • Dre Jessica MacKenzie-Feder, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (conférencière)
  • Dre Fabienne Langlois, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (conférencière)
  • Dre Karen Gomez Hernandez, University Health Network (modératrice)
  • Dr Robert Goldberg, CSEM CPD Rep, University of Toronto (Représentant de la DPC)


À la fin de la séance, les participants pourront :

  • intégrer des stratégies pour améliorer les défis dans l’investigation et diagnostique de la maladie de Cushing
  • comparer et contraster les choix de thérapies et les thérapies médicales
  • évaluer les complications et comorbidités possibles au fil du temps

CSEM Research and Discovery Day: From Bench to Bedside: Lessons Still to be Learned a Century After the Discovery of Insulin

October 1, 2021

A century ago, Canadian researchers Frederick Banting and Charles Best, discovered insulin working under the directorship of John Macleod at the University of Toronto; further work by James Collip led to the additional purification of insulin. With incredible speed and collaboration, insulin was ready to use to save the lives of people with Type 1 diabetes mellitus. This scientific breakthrough was one of the most important advancements in medical history.

Using this ground-breaking discovery as a framework, the symposium connected, engaged, informed and supported endocrinologists in their work as researchers and clinicians. Key developments and anecdotes from past research framed current parallels in emerging research and the current management of diabetes and comorbidities to illustrate lessons learned and the potential of future discoveries.


  • Dr. Gillian Booth, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael's Hospital
  • Dr. Greg Korbutt, Alberta Diabetes Institute, University of Alberta
  • Dr. Mark Prentki, University of Montreal, Montreal Diabetes Research Center
  • Dr. Ronald Sigal, Cumming School of Medicine and Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary
  • Dr. Donna Vine, Alberta Diabetes Institute, University of Alberta

For the AGENDA, click here.

CSEM's Research and Discovery Day has received educational grants from Novo Nordisk Canada, Lilly, and MD Financial. The Research Day is planned independently by CSEM to ensure scientific integrity, objectivity and balance.

Cushing’s Disease: Choices, Challenges and Complications
Diagnosis, Therapies and Challenging Complications in the Management of Cushing’s Disease

September 28, 2021

This online seminar on Cushing’s disease focused on new developments in diagnosis, treatment and management strategies.


  • Dr André Lacroix, CHUM, Montréal (Chair, Presenter)
  • Dre Jessica MacKenzie-Feder, University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Presenter)
  • Dre Fabienne Langlois, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (Presenter)
  • Dre Karen Gomez Hernandez, University Health Network (Moderator)
  • Dr Robert Goldberg, CSEM CPD Rep, University of Toronto (CPD Representative)


At the end of this session participants will be able to:

  • apply strategies to mitigate challenges in the investigation and diagnosis of Cushing’s disease
  • compare and contrast treatment choices and medical therapies
  • assess possible complications and comorbidities over time

CSEM Knowledge Transfer Activities

KTA #3 — Challenging Diabetes: Hyperglycemia in Cushing’s and Acromegaly

May 12, 2021


At the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Describe the unique challenges of managing diabetes in Cushing’s Syndrome and acromegaly
  • Describe how treatment of Cushing’s Disease and acromegaly can affect glycemia
  • Apply motivational interviewing techniques to support improved health and well-being
  • Recognize the importance of multi-disciplinary approach

KTA #2 — Androgen Misuse and Abuse

April 28, 2021

An interactive and in-depth discussion that featured international experts to help navigate the challenging and controversial topic.


At the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Discuss laboratory features suggestive of androgen misuse/abuse
  • Discuss impact of androgen misuse/abuse including hypogonadism in men
  • Identify counseling strategies for patients
  • Recognize key considerations for endocrinologists when consulted by family physicians

KTA #1 — Growth Hormone Deficiency: New Options for Treatment & Long-Acting Therapies

April 14, 2021

An engaging, interactive presentation and discussion on advances in growth hormone therapy.


At the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Describe pediatric and adult indications for prescribing growth hormone (GH)
  • Discuss barriers that limit adherence to GH replacement treatments and strategies to mitigate them
  • Compare efficacy of daily treatment vs long-acting treatment

2nd Annual Canadian Acromegaly Summit: The Journey of Acromegaly Patients During the Pandemic

November 13, 2020

Part 1: Acromegaly Summit Lectures - Management of Acromegaly; Acromegaly and Psychiatric Inequality; Quality of Life in Acromegaly; Management of Patients with Acromegaly during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Part 2: Acromegaly Case Discussions:

  • Case 1 — illustrated some indications for screening, broad differential diagnoses, ranging from lab issues, delayed puberty, exogenous use, early or latent acromegaly to clinically silent somatotroph adenomas
  • Case 2 — illustrated medical treatment strategies (options) with an emphasis on pre-operative medical management of patients with acromegaly


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Define the best practice in the investigation and management of comorbidities in patients with acromegaly
  • Recognize the psychopathology in patients with acromegaly and the gender bias
  • Identify factors that contribute to the impaired quality of life in patients with acromegaly
  • Appreciate the potential impact of the COVID-19 infection and the challenges associated with the care of acromegaly patients during the pandemic

Your Changing Practice: The Impact of COVID-19 on Endocrinologists — COVID-19, Adrenal Insufficiency, and Stress Management: For Your Patients (and You)

June 25, 2020

This discussion forum focused on stress management for physicians and their patients during the pandemic situation, specifically patients with adrenal insufficiency and diabetes.


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Address in an empathetic way the concerns of patients living with Addison’s Disease, Hypopituitarism and Diabetes during a pandemic (fears regarding health as well as access to medications and medical resources)
  • Describe sick-day dosing rules and emergency protocols
  • Discuss impact of stress on patient health
  • Apply strategies to maintain balance in their own lives: stress management techniques

Your Changing Practice: The Impact of COVID-19 on Endocrinologists — Virtual Care Discussion Forum

June 11, 2020

This discussion forum focused on stress management for physicians and their patients during the pandemic situation, specifically patients with adrenal insufficiency and diabetes.


At the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe appropriately informed and optimal virtual practice
  • Discuss limitations of virtual practice and recognize clues to minimize lapses in care
  • Consider impacts of transitioning to and back from virtual practice — what next?
  • Utilize effective communication: planning and implementation

Some Endocrine Society’s ESAP programs have been reviewed and approved by CSEM for Section 3 credits. You may claim a maximum of 40 hours..

Current courses in the field of Endocrinology offered by mdBriefCase are available on their website. These programs are designed to further the knowledge of healthcare professionals with the ultimate goal of improving patient care.

Note: you must be logged into mdBriefCase's website to access these courses. Registration is free to CSEM members.